1. Is Allah the Muslim God and is He different from the Christian God?

Answer:  No. Allah is just the name of God in Arabic. Even Christian Arabs call God Allah. Allah is the God that Jesus prayed to when he said Our father who art in heaven…

  1. Does Islam agree with the concept of the Trinity?

Answer: No. Islam does not agree with the concept of trinity which it considers as contrary to the very principle of Divine Monotheism.

  1. Is Jesus son of God?

Answer: No. Jesus is considered as a special Prophet of God who himself prayed to God. The holy Quran teaches that Jesus was born of a virgin and performed such miracles as raising the dead and healing the sick, but it denies that he is the son of God in the literate sense even though he was born without the agency of a biological father. The Quran refutes this claim by stating the Adam was born without a mother or a father and is still not considered the son of God.

  1. Is Islam a terrorist religion?

Answer:  No. The meaning of Islam in Arabic is peace or submission. Terrorism is against Islamic law because it is a type of warfare that is unconcerned for innocent life. Terrorism also is a threat to the security of society a social right that Islam respects even in a society that Muslims are fighting. There are Muslims that practice terrorism, but the majority of the people that are the victims of this terrorism are Muslims. These terrorists that you find among Muslims are from a small sect among Muslims called Wahhabis or Salafis that are very intolerant and prejudiced against anyone that does not share their belief and carry out the majority of terrorist activities that are associated with Muslims.

When we look at the patterns of so-called Muslim or Islamic terrorism we see the hand of the USA, Israel and other Western or Western supported powers behind these actions.

  1. Are there any similarities between Islam and Christianity?

Answer: Islam is an Abrahamic religion like Judaism and Christianity and thus shares many points of belief like them. It confirms the belief in the prophets of Judaism, it accepts Jesus as a prophet of God, it believes in angels, the Day of Judgment, Heaven and Hell and also in the holy Books of Judaism and Christianity: the Torah and the Gospel, but it sees these books that are present with us to be derivations from the original but still having truth within them to spiritually guide its adherents.

  1. Is Islam a Misogynist religion?

Answer: Definitely not. In fact Islam liberated women. In the time before the coming of Islam, the pagan Arabs used to bury their girl children alive. That’s how bad things were before the coming of Prophet Muhammad. Islam over 500 years before the West, gave women the right to own their own property, taught men that it was their responsibility to support women not only in marriage and the family but in safeguarding their social rights. Women had very few occupations closed to them such as membership in the military, the judiciary and being head of state. These exceptions are more symbolic than substantial; it was not that women were unable to fight, adjudicate a case or lacked leadership capabilities, but that these occupations reflected qualitatively masculine functions in the world. Women had the right to criticize and even participate in choosing their government and were never seen as inferior to men. Whereas in the West motherhood is more and more seen as an impediment to progress in a woman’s life, and something to postpone as much as possible, the holy Prophet Muhammad said that heaven lies at the feet of mothers and proclaimed that the respect due to the mother is three times greater than that of the father. The holy Prophet also said that if a man has three girl children he is guaranteed Paradise.

  1. Is Islam a violent religion?

Answer: Of course not. While the media certainly sensationalizes terrible attacks by some so-called Muslims, no demonstrable data shows Muslims are more violent than any other religious group.

Military forces of various non-Muslim countries kill vastly more people than “So called Muslim terrorists.” While this does not excuse attacks by people who call themselves Muslims, context and framing matter. Violent crimes committed by some poppet Muslims are invariably presumed to be acts of terror, while substantially similar acts committed by all others are not treated as such. This has inflated the perceived terrorist proclivities of “Muslims.”

When it comes to the actual teachings of the Quran, Islam is the only religion that assures the real peace, security, satisfaction and salvation for mankind. Islam explicitly forbids the use of violence to promote or further Islam (Chapter 5, Verse 53).

The prophetic tradition, the source of much of practiced Islam, reveals that violence and war are only to be invoked as last resort. Prophet Muhammad’s ultimate conquering of Makkah, following his persecution and exile from his home, was completed without any bloodshed. Diplomacy and the negotiation of the Treaty of Hudaibiyah led to this major victory. This is the example that majority of Muslims around the world follow every day. The example teaches — and Islam preaches — that in antagonistic, adverse circumstances, we must resort to diplomacy, negotiation, and co-existence.

  1. Is not hijab a dress code devised by men to oppress women?

On the contrary, hijab is a principle of dress to cover women’s bodies from the sexually objectifying male gaze. Hijab is more a principle than a particular type of dress. It involves the covering of the hair, neck and bosom of a woman, and the covering of her arms and legs without revealing the curves and shape of the body. If it was a product of oppressive men, they would have encouraged the social nakedness of women as they do today. Hijab is dress for women in a social context, in the private space and in the presence of close male members of the family and with other women, hijab is not obligatory.

  1. How can a person convert into Islam?

Answer: Becoming a Muslim is a simple and easy process.  All that a person has to do is to understand the fundamental beliefs with intellectual reasons and pronounce a sentence called the Testimony of Faith (Shahadah), which is as:

 “Ash’hado anLa ilaha illa Allah, wa Ash’hado anna Muhammadar  Rasoolullah.

It means, “I testify, There is no true God but God (Allah), and Muhammad is the Prophet of God.”  Once a person says the Testimony of Faith (Shahadah) with conviction and understanding its meaning, then he/she has become a Muslim. However, to become Shia Muslim, he/she should also say:

“Wa Ash’hado anna Aliyyun Valiyyullah, wa Vasiyyo Rasoolillah, wa Khalifataho bila fasl”

“I testify that Ali is the beloved of God, the Heir of the prophet of God, and the his first Successor.”

It is that easy!  For more information or help, please feel free to  call us on: +44-7494 147465.

  1. What are the fundamental beliefs of a Muslim?

Answer: Apart from believing in oneness of God and in Muhammad (PBUH & HP) as His final prophet, A Muslim should also believe in the followings:

  • Holy Quran as the word of God
  • All other prophets before prophet Muhammad (PBUH & HP)
  • All previous books, which are revealed to His Prophets.
  • His angels.
  • His Divine Justice
  • The Divine Leadership (Imamah)
  • The Resurrection Day.
  1. Why should a person be a Muslim?

Answer: The Arabic word ‘Islam’ means peace and submission. This is the need of every human being. Simply, just because the only religion of Islam fulfils our fundamental needs, we have to become Muslims. As Islam teaches how to achieve true peace of mind and surety of heart, by submitting ourselves to God and live according to His Divinely revealed Law.

Muslim is someone who submit himself to the will of God. In this sense, every creation is considered as Muslim, which has submitted to the will of its Creator.

  1. What are the benefits of becoming a Muslim?

Answer: Once you have submitted to your Lord, You are on the path of SALVATION.

  • Enjoying the direct conversations with your Lord through daily prayers.
  • Realising the true purpose of your life.
  • Recognising your God and following His commandments.
  • Reaching to the true happiness, tranquillity, and inner peace.
  • Feeling always that your Lord is with you, knows everything and is there to take care of you.
  • Getting comfort by knowing that your previous sins are forgiven while there is no need of other human beings to make confessions to.
  • Receiving guidance to be out of the darkness of confusions and doubts.
  • Finally, being ready to do the good deeds and avoid major and minor sins. You are promised by God the reward of eternal Paradise (Heaven) and safe from hellfire. There are uncountable benefits of practicing Islam both spiritual ones as well as physical ones.
  1. What is the fundamental difference between a Muslim’s lifestyle and a non-Muslim’s lifestyle?

Answer: A Muslim’s lifestyle is based on the Creator’s will and His rules while a non-Muslim’s lifestyle is based on his/her own desires and passions.

  1. What is the difference between Sunni and Shia Muslims?

Answer: While both of these sects encompass a wide set of doctrines, at the core, the majority of Sunni and Shia Muslims share the same beliefs in the five pillars, oneness of God, and the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad.

The main division originates from the question of succession in leadership following the death of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Shias believe that the successors of the divine Messenger, must be chosen by God and introduced by Holy Prophet. They claim that God has chosen 12 successors who have been introduced by the prophet (PBUH) on several occasions, whereas Sunnis believe that the Muslim community is free to choose a leader. After the death of Prophet Muhammad, some people gathered in a place called “Saqifa” and selected Abu Bakr, as prophet’s successor while no one of the decedents of the  prophet was invited in that Saqifa meeting. Those who were loyal to the prophet and his household, rejected Abu Bakr’s leadership and followed Imam Ali, the prophet’s cousin as well as his son in law, as their first divine leader.

Today, unfortunately, Sunni sect of Islam has divided into many sects and hijacked by Wahhabism led by Saudi Arabia, While the Shia Muslims are comparatively, united and growing fast, due to their strong beliefs in divine leadership. Many Sunni Intellectuals are converting into Shia faith because of their intellectual and logical arguments across the globe. Especially, in the Middle east.

Currently, the Shia Muslims are holding the majority in Iran, Iraq, Yamen, Bahrain and Azerbaijan.

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