Answer: In Islamic jurisprudence, a disbeliever (kafir) is someone who does not accept Islam or one of its essential tenets. In other words, anyone who does not believe in God, the
oneness of God, prophet hood, the afterlife, or a fundamental tenet of faith that leads to the denial of the divine origin or the afterlife, is considered as kafir. This term applies both to
those who follow no religion or another religion, such as Christians and Jews, as well as to individuals who deny just one of the essential aspects of Islam. However, according to the
The linguistic root of the word "kufr" means to cover or conceal something. Thus, a person who hides something is called a kafir. For instance, even a farmer is referred to as a kafir
because he covers seeds by planting them in the soil.
The term "kufr" and its derivatives (like kafir) appear in the Quran over five hundred times. The use of the word "kufr" can be categorized into several meanings, considering its
linguistic root, including:
- Denial of the principles of religion
- Denial of the oneness of God
- Denial of the prophethood of Muhammad
- Ingratitude and lack of thankfulness
- Neglecting religious duties
- Committing sins, etc.
For example, in the verse:
"And [mention] when We said to the angels, 'Prostrate before Adam'; so they prostrated, except for Iblis. He refused and was arrogant and became of the disbelievers" (Quran 2:34),
in this verse, kufr means committing sin and disobeying a divine command.
Or in the verse:
"...And [due] to Allah from the people is a pilgrimage to the House - for whoever is able to find thereto a way. But whoever disbelieves - then indeed, Allah is free from need of the
worlds" (Quran 3:97), here, kufr means neglecting religious duties.
From this, it becomes clear that kufr has different degrees and levels, and the term "kafir" in the Quran can have various meanings. Therefore, "kafir" in the Quran does not always
align with the jurisprudential definition of a disbeliever. However, generally speaking, a "kafir" is someone who denies the principles or essential tenets of the religion.