Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Is Allah the Muslim’s God different from the Christian’s God?

Answer :  No. Allah is just the name of God in Arabic. Even Christian Arabs call God Allah. Allah is the God that all prophets including Prophet Jesus prayed to.

2. How do you know that God exists?

Answer : We all know that everything that begins to exist has a cause. The universe began to exist, so it must have a cause outside itself, which is defined as God. The creator of all

 things.The other way to prove the existence of God is by using the argument of design. This argument states that the universe has a very deep and extensive order, and anything that

 has such order needs a knowledgeable designer. Therefore, the universe also needs a knowledgeable designer and cannot have come into existence by chance.When we look closely

 at our own bodies, we see that everything is created for a specific purpose. Even the arch of the human foot is designed for a particular function, and every part of the body has order,

 precision, and purpose. How could such detailed order and calculation exist without a creator and without being designed for a purpose?It is clear that the more complex and extensive

 the order, the more knowledgeable and powerful the designer must be.The Quran encourages us in many verses to think about the creation of the world to understand God's 

existence better and to know Him more, which increases our love for Him. For example, it says:

"Reflect on the creation of the heavens and the earth, the alternation of night and day, the ships      
that sail the seas, the rain that God sends down from the sky to revive the earth after its death, and      
the animals He has scattered across it. All these are signs of God's existence" (Quran 2:164).

If we use our intellect and open the eyes of our hearts, we will realize God's existence, understand Hisgreatness better, and become grateful for the countless blessings He has given us.

3. What is the simplest way to prove the existence of God?

Answer : A person came to Imam Sadiq (AS) and asked, "Describe God to me in a way that it feels like I am seeing Him." The Imam asked him, "Have you ever travelled by sea?" 

(It seemed the Imam knew this had happened to him). The person replied, "Yes." The Imam then asked, "Has it ever happened that the ship broke down in the sea?" He replied, "Yes, in

 one of my journeys, this happened." The Imam asked, "Did you reach a point where you lost hope in everything and felt you were about to die?" He replied, "Yes, it happened." The Imam

 asked, "At that moment, did you still have hope of being saved?" He replied, "Yes." The Imam asked, "When there was no means of rescue, who were you hoping would save you?

The person realised that in that desperate moment, his heart felt connected to someone, as if he could see Him. This is the state we mentioned where, in extreme situations, a person's

 attention is cut off from everything else, and they feel their heart's connection with God.

4. What is the intellectual proof for the existence of God?

Answer : Believers in God have used many evidences to prove God's existence. Among these, the clearest and most convincing is the "existence of order in the universe," because it

 satisfies both the mind and the conscience. This argument has always attracted the attention of scientists and religious scholars.

This clear evidence is based on two fundamental points:

       1. In every part of this vast universe, we see organised systems and orderly structures. Even the smallest parts of the universe are governed by law and order. The universe is not

           chaotic; everything follows a specific path, and there is a unique connection and coordination among all parts and beings in existence, which is immediately noticeable. 

           E.g.  everyone can understand this law and order by studying the solar system.

      2. A system with such order and precision cannot be the result of chance or random events. It must have been created by a wise and intelligent being. 

From these two undeniable intellectual points we conclude that the universe has a most knowledgeable and powerful creator who designed and guides it with a specific plan and purpose.

5. The atheists often ask that if everything is created by God, then who has created God. Or they ask: How did God come into existence?

Answer : The things that are created beings must have a creator to come into existence. However, God is creator of all things and He is not a created being to have a creator for His

 existence. So there is no point thinking of a creator for the creator himself. Otherwise, He would be the created being and not considered as a creator

6. Why are we discouraged from thinking about the essence of God’s Existence?

Answer:  Every human being knows that human capacity is limited, and God is unlimited. This means humans cannot fully comprehend the true essence of God. Therefore, we are

 discouraged from thinking about God's essence. It has been said, "Do not speak about the essence of God, because speaking about His essence increases confusion. Think about the

 wonders of His creations instead. When you want to consider His greatness, think about His great creations

7. What is the purpose of our creation?

Answer : The purpose of human creation is tied to the purpose of all creation. To understand why humans were created, we need to understand God's intention in creating everything.


Humans act to gain benefits or meet needs because we are imperfect and limited. However, God, being perfect, does not need anything. God's actions stem from His nature of being 

all-generous. The Quran states, "The giving of your Lord is not restricted" (17:20). Therefore, God's creation is an act of pure generosity and goodness.


The universe and everything within it reflect God's attributes of kindness, mercy, knowledge, power, and wisdom. Without creation, these attributes would remain hidden. God’s

 generosity necessitates creation, as light necessitates radiance.


Since God is infinitely knowledgeable, powerful, and generous, He created the best and most complete world possible. Every being that can exist is given existence by God. This

 includes the universe, which is a manifestation of God’s beauty and majesty.

The ultimate purpose of creation is the expression of God’s attributes. For humans, it is about achieving perfection and growing in their relationship with God. The Quran mentions

 testing (67:2) and worship (51:56) as reasons for human creation. Ultimately, human perfection and fulfillment are seen as the goals of creation.


In summary, God created humans and the universe out of His boundless generosity and to manifest His divine attributes. Humans are meant to seek perfection and worship God,

 aligning with the ultimate purpose of creation.

8. Why God cannot be seen?

Answer : God cannot be seen with physical eyes. Humans will never be able to see God with their eyes, neither in this world nor in the afterlife. 

The Quran states, "The sights do not apprehend Him, but He apprehends the sights, and He is the all-attentive, the all-aware." (Quran, Chapter-6, verse-103)

Seeing God with physical eyes is impossible because seeing requires material and physical characteristics, which are not applicable to the pure essence of God, whether in this world or

 the afterlife.

9. If God knows everything about us, then why He tests us?

Answer : Testing by God is different from testing by us humans.When we test someone, it is to get to know them and to become aware of their character and behaviour. But when God

 tests someone, it is not to get to know them and become aware of their character and behaviour, because He is aware of everything.


If God tests someone, it is so that each person, through their actions, demonstrates what level of humanity they are at, and so that on the Day of Judgment, no one can make the excuse

 that, “O God! 


If You had tested me, I would have done good deeds.”God has willed that people come to this world and, by doing good or bad deeds, create their own heaven and hell.


God knows what we will do; but He has allowed us to participate in the test of life and to practically show what kind of person we are. He is aware of everything; but He does not deprive

 His servants of the opportunity to be tested.

10. If God is one, why does God use the plural pronoun for Himself in the Quran?

Answer:  God uses human language, words, and grammar in the Quran, as there is no other way to convey the message. One of the rhetorical rules in any language is the use of

 'majestic plural' or 'royal we'. This means using a plural pronoun to convey respect and high status. We have a similar rule in English; for instance, we use the pronoun "We" instead of “I”

 just to show the importance or out of respect. Similarly, God uses this rule in the Quran to express His own respect and grandeur.

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