Answer : Of course not. While the media certainly sensationalizes terrible attacks by some so-called Muslims, no demonstrable data shows Muslims are more violent than any other
religious group.Military forces of various non-Muslim countries kill vastly more people than “So called Muslim terrorists.” While this does not excuse attacks by people who call
themselves Muslims, context and framing matter. Violent crimes committed by some poppet Muslims are invariably presumed to be acts of terror, while substantially similar acts
committed by all others are not treated as such. This has inflated the perceived terrorist proclivities of “Muslims.”When it comes to the actual teachings of the Quran, Islam is the only
religion that assures the real peace, security, satisfaction and salvation for mankind. Islam explicitly forbids the use of violence to promote or further Islam (Chapter 5, Verse 53).
The prophetic tradition, the source of much of practiced Islam, reveals that violence and war are only to be invoked as last resort. Prophet Muhammad’s ultimate conquering of Makkah,
following his persecution and exile from his home, was completed without any bloodshed. Diplomacy and the negotiation of the Treaty of Hudaibiyah led to this major victory. This is
the example that majority of Muslims around the world follow every day. The example teaches — and Islam preaches — that in antagonistic, adverse circumstances, we must resort to
diplomacy, negotiation, and co-existence.