Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

11. If God is All-Encompassing, why does He ask for help in Quran Chapter 47, Verse 7?

Answer:  Indeed, God is All-power and All- embracing. He does not need any help. However, He does say: 

"O you who have believed, if you help Allah, He will help you and make your foothold firm."     

The most commentators have explained that helping Allah means, supporting His prophets, and His religion to be beneficial to the mankind. This is why in other verses of the Quran,

 helping Allah and His Messenger is mentioned together, such as in the verse:

"And they support Allah and His Messenger. It is they who are the truthful." (Surah Al-Hashr, 59:8)

Although Allah's power is infinite and the power of His creations is insignificant in comparison, He uses the term "helping Allah" to emphasize the importance of striving and defending

 the true faith. There can be no greater expression to highlight the significance of this matter.

12. What is the concept of the Trinity and what Islam says about it?

Answer : The concept of the Trinity is a cornerstone of mainstream Christian theology, positing that God exists as one being in three persons: the Father, the Son (Jesus Christ), and the

 Holy Spirit. These three persons are co-equal, co-eternal, and consubstantial, meaning they share the same essence or substance. Islam, the religion of God, does not agree with the

 concept of trinity that contradicts Monotheism. Believing in the only one God is a central tenet of several major world religions, including Judaism, and certain strands of Christianity as

 well. In fact even the bible rejects the concept of trinity:

Deuteronomy 6:4: "Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one."    

Isaiah 45:5: "I am the Lord, and there is no other; apart from me there is no God."    

Mark 12:29: "The most important one," answered Jesus, "is this: 'Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one.'"    

13. Is Jesus son of God?

Answer : No. Jesus is considered as a special Prophet of God who himself prayed to God. The holy Quran teaches that Jesus was born of a virgin and performed such miracles as

 raising the dead and healing the sick, but it denies that he is the son of God in the literate sense even though he was born without the agency of a biological father. The Quran refutes

 this claim by stating the Adam was born without a mother or a father and is still not considered the son of God.

14. What does Islam mean?

Answer : Islam signifies peace and submission to the will of God, the creator of all. By adhering to this religion of peace, individuals attain true peace in their lives and in the hereafter.

15. What does it mean to be a Muslim?

Answer :  A Muslim is someone who surrenders their will and desires to the will of God, the creator of everything. In this sense, everything in creation is considered Muslim, as all are

 submitted to God's will.

16. Is Islam a terrorist religion?

Answer : No. Terrorism contradicts the principles of Islam, which is inherently a religion of peace. Islam promotes peace for all humanity, whereas terrorism is an inhumane act that

 threatens societal security—a right Islam upholds even in conflicts involving Muslims. Some individuals falsely claiming to be Muslims engage in terrorism to undermine Islamic values,

 resulting in Muslims being the primary victims. Analyzing patterns of so-called Islamic terrorism often reveals the influence of imperialist and arrogant powers that fear Islam's rapid

 global growth.

17. Are there any similarities between Islam and Christianity?

Answer : Yes, Islam is an Abrahamic religion, like Judaism and Christianity, and shares many beliefs with them. It acknowledges the prophets of Judaism, accepts Jesus as a prophet of

 God, and believes in angels, the Day of Judgment, Heaven, and Hell. Islam also recognizes the holy books of Judaism and Christianity—the Torah and the Gospel—as containing truths,

 although it views the current versions as derivations from the originals.

18. Is Islam a Misogynist religion?

Answer : Definitely not. In fact, Islam liberated women. Before the advent of Islam, pagan Arabs often buried their daughters alive. Prophet Muhammad’s arrival transformed these

 conditions. Islam granted women the right to own property over 500 years before the West did and taught men that it was their duty to support women, not just within marriage and

 family but also in safeguarding their social rights. While a few occupations, like military service, the judiciary, and head of state, were typically closed to women, these restrictions were

 symbolic rather than substantial. It wasn’t because women lacked the ability to fight, adjudicate, or lead but because these roles were seen as inherently masculine. Women had the

 right to criticize and participate in choosing their government and were never considered inferior to men. In contrast to Western views, where motherhood is increasingly seen as a

 hindrance to a woman's progress, the Prophet Muhammad emphasized that "heaven lies at the feet of mothers" and that the respect owed to mothers is three times greater than that

 owed to fathers. He also stated that a man who raises three daughters is guaranteed Paradise.

19. Is Islam a violent religion?

Answer : Of course not. While the media certainly sensationalizes terrible attacks by some so-called Muslims, no demonstrable data shows Muslims are more violent than any other

 religious group.Military forces of various non-Muslim countries kill vastly more people than “So called Muslim terrorists.” While this does not excuse attacks by people who call

 themselves Muslims, context and framing matter. Violent crimes committed by some poppet Muslims are invariably presumed to be acts of terror, while substantially similar acts

 committed by all others are not treated as such. This has inflated the perceived terrorist proclivities of “Muslims.”When it comes to the actual teachings of the Quran, Islam is the only

 religion that assures the real peace, security, satisfaction and salvation for mankind. Islam explicitly forbids the use of violence to promote or further Islam (Chapter 5, Verse 53).

The prophetic tradition, the source of much of practiced Islam, reveals that violence and war are only to be invoked as last resort. Prophet Muhammad’s ultimate conquering of Makkah,

 following his persecution and exile from his home, was completed without any bloodshed. Diplomacy and the negotiation of the Treaty of Hudaibiyah led to this major victory. This is

 the example that majority of Muslims around the world follow every day. The example teaches — and Islam preaches — that in antagonistic, adverse circumstances, we must resort to

 diplomacy, negotiation, and co-existence.

20. Why should a person be a Muslim?

Answer : The Arabic word ‘Islam’ means peace and submission, which are essential for every human being. We should embrace Islam because it fulfils our fundamental needs. Islam

 teaches us how to attain true peace of mind, certainty of heart, salvation from evil, and ultimately, entry into paradise by submitting to God and living according to His Divinely revealed

 Law. Becoming a Muslim offers a path to a life filled with purpose, peace, and moral integrity. It provides a comprehensive system of guidance, a sense of community, and a profound

 connection with the divine. For those seeking a balanced and fulfilling life guided by a clear and unwavering belief in one God, Islam presents a compelling choice.

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