Answer: Before performing the daily prayers (Salah), there are several requirements and steps that a Muslim must undertake to ensure that their prayer is valid and accepted. These
preparations involve both physical and spiritual readiness:
1.Purification of body, clothes and the place: The whole body, clothes worn during prayer and the place of prayer must be clean. This includes being free from impurities such as
urine,faeces,blood, and other Najasaat (items considered impure). To learn the impure items, please click here .( (YouTube link of “Najasaat” must be activated here)
2. Performing Wudu – (Ablution): Muslims must perform a ritual cleansing called Wudu. This includes Intention, washing the face, arms, and wiping the head and feet in a specific
order. To know how to do Wudhu, please Click here. (YouTube link of how to do Wudhu must be activated here)
If certain conditions apply, such as sexual impurity or post-menstrual state, a full-body purification called “Ghusl” may be required. To learn when and how do we perform Ghusl,
please click here. (YouTube link of how to perform Ghusl must be activated here)
3. Covering the 'Awrah’: Men and women must cover their private areas during prayer. For men, this is from the navel to the knees, and for women, it covers the entire body except
for the face and hands (and feet according to some interpretations).
4. Facing the Qiblah: The direction of prayer must be towards the Ka’aba in Makkah, known as the Qiblah. Muslims must orient themselves in this direction during the prayer.
5. Intention (Niyyah): Before beginning the prayer, the individual must make a sincere intention of “Qurbatan ilallah” (Only for the nearness to Allah) in their heart about which prayer
they are going to perform. This intention does not need to be spoken aloud but must be made mentally.
Timing: Each of the five daily prayers has a specific time window during which it can be performed. These times are based on the position of the sun and include Fajr (dawn), Dhuhr
(after midday), Asr (afternoon), Maghrib (immediately after sunset), and Isha (night). Prayers should be performed within their respective time frames. However, according to the
authentic Shia and Sunni books of hadiths, Asr prayer can be performed right after the Dhuhr prayer and the Isha prayer can be performed right after performing the Maghrib prayer.
These steps help in preparing a Muslim physically and spiritually to stand before God in prayer, reflecting a state of cleanliness, respect, and sincerity.