Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

21. What are the benefits of becoming a Muslim?

Answer : The benefits of becoming a Muslim encompass spiritual fulfilment, clear purpose, ethical guidance, a sense of community, a balanced lifestyle, intellectual satisfaction, justice,

 personal growth, forgiveness, and the promise of eternal reward for paradise and protection from hellfire. There are countless benefits to practicing Islam, both spiritual and physical. 

If you are submitted to your Lord, then you are:

            1. On the path of salvation.

            2. Enjoying direct conversations with your Lord through daily prayers.

            3. Realizing the true purpose of your life.

            4. Recognizing your God and following His commandments.

            5. Attaining true happiness, tranquillity, and inner peace.

            6. Constantly feeling that the Lord is with you, aware of everything, and taking care of you.

            7. Comforted by knowing that your previous sins are forgiven, with no need for confessions to other human beings.

            8. Receiving guidance to emerge from the darkness of confusion and doubt.

Additionally, you are considered amongst the best human being by performing good deeds and avoiding major and minor sins.

22. Should you know all about Islam before converting into it?

Answer : You do not need to know everything before converting.Once you realise that there is only ONE True God to be worshiped, and that prophet Muhammad is his last prophet and  

 messenger, and believe that Islam is the true religion of God, and then you should accept Islam and not delay it.  You will continue to learn more of the other things and in more depth  

 after accepting Islam.During the earliest stages of Islam, people would accept Islam after discovering its truth, and after wards, began learning the prayers and reforming their

 lives.  You  are not expected to know everything about everything before accepting Islam.  None of us know when we may die.  Death can come at any time, without notice, and we

 do not want to  be in a state of disbelief at that time, because it will be too late to seek the protection of Allah or his forgiveness. So the most important thing in this case would be to

 accept Islam without further delay.  

23. What should I do if I am Afraid of how my family will react if I convert?

Answer : If you want to convert to Islam, you shouldn’t delay just because you fear how your parents may react.  We should do our best to please our Creator (Allah) over all others, even

 our parents.  It is permissible to hide your conversion until you feel it is safe to tell them.  You can decide when and where, and how to tell them later, but you should not delay

 converting until that time.  You can practice your new fain in secret until that time comes. We never know when we may die, and we do not want to be in a state of a non-Muslim if we

 faced a death resulting accident today or tomorrow.  On the Day of Judgment, our parents will not be able to save us, as each person will be accountable for themselves. Allah instructs

 us in the Qur’an regarding this:


And We have enjoined on man to be good and dutiful to his parents, but if they strive to make you join with Me (in worship) anything (as a partner) of which you have no knowledge,

 then obey them not. Unto Me is your return, and I shall tell you what you used to do.” (Quran 29:8)


But if they (your parents) strive with you to make you join in worship with Me others that of which you have no knowledge, then obey them not, but behave with them in the world

 kindly, and follow the path of him who turns to Me in repentance and in obedience. Then to Me will be your return, and I shall tell you what you used to do.” (Quran 31:15)

24. What is Circumcision?

Answer : Circumcision involves cutting away the foreskin around the head, or glans, of the penis. Any competent Muslim doctor, even a general practitioner, is usually capable of  

 performing the operation, which is usually done with a local or general anaesthetic.  

25. Is It Obligatory for New Muslims to Get Circumcised?

Answer : You do not have to have it done for conversion. However, It has to be done when you are fully ready to practice the obligatory acts of Islam. If you can't have it done for any  

 medical reason, or due to old age, then you are excused. In such cases you need to make sure you have cleaned yourself well after using the bathroom, as this is important for the  

 validity of prayer.  

26. Why are more women than men converting to Islam?

Answer : The phenomenon of women converting to Islam more than men is observed in various parts of the world, and scholars and sociologists have provided several explanations for this trend. Some of the key reasons include:

    1. Search for Spiritual Fulfilment: Many women who convert to Islam report a search for spiritual meaning and fulfilment that they found lacking in their previous religious

        experiences. Islam's clear monotheism and its teachings about the purpose of life often resonate with individuals seeking definitive answers about faith and existence.

    2. Community and Belonging: Converts often cite the sense of community and belonging that Islam provides. This is particularly appealing to those who feel isolated or    

        disconnected in their current environments. The Muslim community's emphasis on unity and support can be very attractive.

    3. Empowerment through Modesty: The Islamic concept of modesty, which includes the wearing of the hijab, is sometimes interpreted by converts as a form of empowerment  

         rather than restriction. They may view it as a way to control how they are perceived, focusing more on intellectual and spiritual qualities rather than physical appearance.

    4. Structured Lifestyle: Islam offers a structured way of life through its prescribed practices, moral guidelines, and legal frameworks. This structure can provide a sense of order

        and purpose, which might be appealing for those seeking discipline and clear guidelines in their lives.

    5. Gender Roles: Some women are attracted to the distinct roles that Islam delineates for men and women. They may perceive these roles as offering respect and protection for

        women, along with clear expectations and responsibilities.

    6. Intellectual Engagement: Converts often report that their journey to Islam involved significant learning and intellectual engagement. The rich intellectual tradition of Islam,

        including scholarship and debate over religious texts, can be particularly appealing.

    7.Interpersonal Relationships: Relationships with Muslims, whether through friends, colleagues, or romantic partners, can often lead to exposure to Islamic beliefs and practices,

       eventually influencing conversion decisions.

    9. Reaction to Western Values: Some women convert to Islam as a critique or rejection of certain Western values, which they may perceive as overly materialistic, individualistic, or

        morally lax. Islam's emphasis on community, spirituality, and moral discipline can offer a compelling alternative.

These factors vary widely among individuals, and the personal journey of each convert is unique. The reasons for converting are deeply personal and can be influenced by a myriad of

 social, spiritual, and emotional factors.

27. What are the main reasons for conversion to Islam?

Answer: The main reasons for converting to Islam vary widely among individuals, but some commonly cited motivations include:

     1. Spiritual Fulfilment: Many people are drawn to Islam for its clear and direct teachings on monotheism and the purpose of life, which they find spiritually fulfilling and

         philosophically satisfying.

     2. Sense of Community and Belonging: The strong sense of community and the inclusive, supportive network that Islam fosters can be very appealing, especially for those

         seeking a sense of belonging.

     3. Lifestyle and Structure: Islam provides a comprehensive way of life with clear guidelines and rituals, which can bring a sense of order and discipline to daily life.

     4. Ethical and Moral Framework: The ethical teachings of Islam, which promote honesty, charity, and compassion, attract those seeking a strong moral foundation in their


     5. Intellectual Engagement: The rich intellectual tradition of Islam, including the study of the Quran and Hadith, appeals to those who are looking for a deeply reasoned and

         scholarly approach to religion.

Each individual’s journey to Islam is unique, often influenced by personal, social, and spiritual factors.

28. Is it obligatory for a new Muslim to change his/her name?

Answer: There is no need for a new Muslim to change their names unless it has a negative meaning, or is the name of a deity in another religion (ex: Gautam, Ram, Shiva, etc). Names

 of any of the Prophets are acceptable names such as Jesus (Isa), David (Dawud), Mary (Maryam), Moses (Musa), etc. Many new Muslims do not officially change their names, but just

 go by an Islamic name with their friends. This is up to the individuals about what they want to do, if they want to officially change it or not. It “may” be obligatory for you to change it

 (later),  especially if it is a non-acceptable name, when you apply to go for hajj, or to marry a Muslim. They may require proof of your conversion (which you can obtain from an Islamic

 Centre or   mosque near you at any time), and they canadvise you about how to go about changing your name if you need to do it.  

29. How can a person convert into Islam?

Answer: Becoming a Muslim is a simple and straight forward process. A person only needs to understand the fundamental beliefs intellectually and recite a sentence called the Testimony of Faith

 (Shahadah), which is:

Ash’hado an La ilaha illa Allah, wa Ash’hado anna Muhammadar Rasoolullah.”  

This means, “I testify, There is no true God but God (Allah), and Muhammad is the Prophet of God.”    

Once a person says the Shahadah with conviction and understanding of its meaning, they become a Muslim. However, to become a Shia Muslim, one should also recite:  

Wa Ash’hado anna Aliyyun Valiyyullah, wa Vasiyyo Rasoolillah, wa Khalifataho bila fasl,”  

Which means: “I testify that Ali is the beloved of God, the Heir of the prophet of God, and his first Successor.”  

It’s that easy! For more information or help, please feel free to call us at +44-7494 147465.

30. What are the fundamental beliefs of a Muslim?

Answer: Apart from believing in oneness of God and in Muhammad (SAWAS) as His final prophet, A Muslim should also believe in the followings: 

   1. Holy Quran as the word of God

   2. All other prophets before prophet Muhammad (SAWAS)

   3. All previous books, which are revealed to His Prophets.

   4. His Divine Justice

   5. The Divine Leadership (Imamah)

   6. The Resurrection Day.

These fundamental beliefs are known as “Usool ad- Deen” (Roots of Religion)

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